Streamlining Your GitHub Workflows with Coding AGI
Discover how Coding AGI's GitHub tool can revolutionize your Git and GitHub workflows, allowing you to manage repositories, branches, and code changes directly from your VS Code environment.
Key Capabilities of the GitHub Tool
- Repository management (create, delete, list)
- Branch operations (create, list)
- Code synchronization (push, pull)
- Status and diff checks
- Remote repository linking
Workflow 1: Starting a New Project
- Create a new local directory
- Initialize a Git repository
- Create a new GitHub repository
- Link local repository to GitHub
- Create initial project structure
- Commit and push changes
Example prompt: "Let's start a new Python project called 'data_visualizer'. Create a new GitHub repo, initialize it locally, set up a basic project structure with a src folder and a README, then commit and push the changes."
Workflow 2: Feature Development
- Create a new feature branch
- Implement new features or changes
- Commit changes incrementally
- Push branch to GitHub
- Create a pull request
Example prompt: "I want to add a new feature for bar chart visualization. Create a new branch called 'feature/bar-chart', add a new file '' in the src folder with a basic implementation, commit the changes, and push the branch to GitHub."
Workflow 3: Code Review and Merging
- Pull latest changes from the main branch
- Review code differences
- Run tests and check status
- Merge feature branch into main
- Push updated main branch to GitHub
Example prompt: "I need to review and merge the 'feature/bar-chart' branch. Show me the diff between this branch and main, run our test suite, and if everything looks good, merge it into main and push the changes."
Workflow 4: Collaborative Development
- Clone a collaborator's repository
- Create a new branch for your contribution
- Make and commit your changes
- Push your branch to the forked repository
- Create a pull request to the original repository
Example prompt: "I want to contribute to the 'awesome-data-science' repo by adding a new visualization technique. Clone the repo, create a branch 'feature/advanced-heatmap', add my implementation, and create a pull request with a description of my changes."
Workflow 5: Repository Maintenance
- List all repositories
- Check status of current repository
- Update project dependencies
- Run and update automated tests
- Update documentation
- Create a new release
Example prompt: "It's time for our monthly maintenance. List all our repos, then for the 'data_visualizer' project, check its status, update dependencies in requirements.txt, run tests, update the changelog, and create a new patch release."
Getting Started with GitHub Workflows
- Ensure your GitHub personal access token is setup in settings
- Open your project in VS Code
- Launch the Coding AGI extension
- Use the AI Chat to describe your GitHub-related task
- Let Coding AGI guide you through the process, executing commands as needed
Remember, you can always ask Coding AGI for help or clarification on any GitHub operation!