
Setting Up GitHub Personal Access Token for Coding AGI

As a premium subscriber to Coding AGI, you have access to our powerful GitHub tool. To use this feature, you'll need to create a fine-grained personal access token in GitHub. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Step 1: Access GitHub Token Settings

    Go to and log in to your GitHub account if prompted.

  2. Step 2: Generate New Token

    Under Fine-grained personal access tokens, click on the "Generate new token" button.

  3. Step 3: Set Token Name and Expiration

    Give your token a descriptive name (e.g., "Coding AGI GitHub Tool") and set an expiration date.

  4. Step 4: Configure Repository Access

    Under "Repository access", select "All repositories" to allow Coding AGI to work with all your GitHub repositories.

  5. Step 5: Set Permissions

    Under "Permissions", enable the following:

    • Actions: Read and Write
    • Administration: Read and Write
    • Metadata: Read-only
    • Commit statuses: Read and Write
    • Workflows: Read and Write
  6. Step 6: Generate and Copy Token

    Click "Generate token" at the bottom of the page. Copy the generated token immediately - you won't be able to see it again!

  7. Step 7: Add Token to Coding AGI

    Open the Coding AGI extension in your IDE, navigate to the settings, paste your GitHub token in the designated field and save.

How Coding AGI Uses These Permissions

The Coding AGI GitHub tool leverages these permissions to streamline your Git workflows:

  • Actions and Workflows: Automate CI/CD processes, suggesting and implementing workflow optimizations.
  • Administration: Manage repository settings, branches, and collaborate on project structuring.
  • Metadata: Access repository information to provide context-aware suggestions and analysis.
  • Commit statuses: Monitor and update the status of commits, ensuring code quality and integration success.

With these capabilities, Coding AGI can help you manage your Git workflows more efficiently, from automating routine tasks to providing intelligent suggestions for your development process.

Security Note

Always keep your personal access token secure. Never share it publicly or commit it to your repositories. If you suspect your token has been compromised, revoke it immediately in your GitHub settings and generate a new one.