
Code faster, build smarter:
Maximize productivity with AI

Supercharge your coding experience with our intelligent VSCode extension. Boost productivity, streamline workflows, and code smarter, not harder.

Key Features

  • Intelligent file structure creation and project setup
  • Automated command execution and package installation
  • Seamless API integration and endpoint testing
  • Comprehensive GitHub automation with secure access
  • Integration with 12 AI models from leading providers
  • Multi-language support with customizable UI

See It in Action

Powerful Features to Supercharge Your Coding

Intelligent File Structure Creation

  • • Use prompts to create folders and files
  • • Name folders according to functionality
  • • Streamline project setup process

Automated Command Execution

  • • Run commands and scripts effortlessly
  • • Install packages with ease
  • • Set up frameworks like React automatically

Seamless API Integration

  • • Automated API calls to your endpoints
  • • Write backend code with AI assistance
  • • Test endpoints effortlessly

GitHub Automation

  • • Push, pull, and manage branches
  • • Handle diffs, status, and commits
  • • Secure access with encrypted API key

AI Model Integration

  • • 12 models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google
  • • Pay only for what you use with your API key
  • • One key for all models, securely encrypted

Multilingual Support

  • • Support for multiple coding languages
  • • AI understands various natural languages
  • • Customize chat UI with dark/light mode

Empowering Developers
and Enterprises

For Individual Developers


Rapid Prototyping

Quickly bring your ideas to life with AI-assisted code generation and project setup.


Skill Enhancement

Learn new programming languages and best practices through interactive AI guidance.


Code Review Assistant

Get instant feedback on your code quality and suggestions for improvements.

For Enterprises


Streamlined Onboarding

Accelerate new developer integration with AI-powered project familiarization tools.


Increased Productivity

Boost team efficiency with automated code generation and intelligent assistance.


Enhanced Security

Implement best security practices with AI-guided code reviews and vulnerability checks.

The CodingAGI Advantage

Benefits for Individuals

  • Accelerated learning curve for new technologies
  • Reduced time spent on repetitive coding tasks
  • Improved code quality and consistency
  • Enhanced problem-solving capabilities

Benefits for Enterprises

  • Significant reduction in development time and costs
  • Standardized coding practices across teams
  • Faster time-to-market for new products and features
  • Improved code maintainability and scalability

Frequently Asked Questions